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Fourth edition of Grupa Azoty Brand Ambassador programme now officially closed
Fourth edition of Grupa Azoty Brand Ambassador programme now officially closed

Grupa Azoty Academy webinars, ‘Chemistry: behind the scenes’ educational series and co-hosting of the national qualifiers for the WorldSkills Poland competition were the highlights of this year’s edition of the Grupa Azoty Brand Ambassador programme. During over six months of joint efforts, our brand ambassadors contributed to building a positive image of Grupa Azoty among the academic communities.

In the 2020/2021 academic year, the fertilizer and chemical industry leader was represented at Polish universities by four ambassadors selected from among several dozen applicants. The Brand Ambassadors included Wiktoria Tomal, doctoral student at Cracow University of Technology (Grupa Azoty S.A.); Michał Tolko, student at University of Szczecin (Grupa Azoty Police); Katarzyna Tutaj, student at Warsaw University of Technology (Grupa Azoty Puławy); and Magdalena Zawadzka, student at Silesian University of Technology (Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn).

‘At Grupa Azoty, we understand the process to attract top talent begins at the university. We are a major European fertilizer and chemical group and we are committed to hiring staff capable of meeting the challenges created by the market. Programmes such as the Grupa Azoty Brand Ambassador give undergraduates and doctoral students an insight into the Group’s operations and allow us to attract future talent,’ said Tomasz Hinc, President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A.

As part of the projects carried out under the programme, our brand ambassadors were responsible for a series of Grupa Azoty Academy webinars. During online meetings, they discussed corporate-startup collaboration, new product planning, and innovation at the laboratory level.

‘It is worth mentioning that after Poland regained independence, the founders of the Polish chemical industry included such eminent chemists as Ignacy Mościcki and Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski. The former established our plants and contributed to building the Polish chemical industry. The latter was director of the Tarnów and Chorzów plants. Both discovered their passion for chemistry when they were about the same age as our brand ambassadors. They spent hundreds of hours in the lab and became inventors. I believe that our brand ambassadors will soon join Grupa Azoty on a permanent basis and continue the tradition of many generations building the Polish chemical industry’, noted dr Grzegorz Kądzielawski, Vice President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A.

Co-hosting of the national WorldSkills Poland qualifier, held at Grupa Azoty’s Research and Development Centre in Tarnów, was the culmination of our joint efforts. The winner will represent Poland in the WorldSkills competition in Shanghai 2022.

‘The Grupa Azoty Brand Ambassador programme is an amazing adventure and an opportunity to participate in exciting projects and work with experts in the fertilizer and chemical industry. I am glad to have been given an opportunity to promote the Grupa Azoty brand among undergraduates and doctoral students. During the programme, I was able to see from up close what it’s like to work with the industry’s top specialists. It gave me great motivation for the future and provided invaluable guidance for me to pick the most optimum career pathway,’ said Katarzyna Tutaj, Grupa Azoty Brand Ambassador.

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