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Grupa Azoty as the Strategic Partner and Honorary Host of the 2nd Edition of ‘The Polish Chemistry’ Congress.
Grupa Azoty as the Strategic Partner and Honorary Host of the 2nd Edition of ‘The Polish Chemistry’ Congress.
Over 400 guests among whom there are representatives of chemical industry, politicians and journalists.

A few dozen panelists, two days of debates, thematic sessions and meetings – on Thursday 11th June the Puławy Science and Technology Park hosted two days’ Polish Chemistry Congress 2015, the most important meeting of Polish chemical industry. The organizer of the event is the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry, while Grupa Azoty took the role of the Strategic Partner and the Honorary Host. Paweł Jarczewski, President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty, opened the congress.

“Today, Polish chemistry transformed into international chemistry. We have been boldly investing in innovation and expertise, we develop ourselves. This proves, that Poland is ready for worldwide chemistry, for modern chemistry with an outstanding product portfolio. I hope that we will still be at the forefront  of Europe, that we will be the example to be followed by others,” said Mr Jarczewski during the opening of the congress.

‘Polish Chemical Industry against a Background of the European Economy’ was the title of the strategic debate of the first day of the Congress. Representatives of leading companies of Polish chemical industry raised important issues of competitiveness, distribution of chemical products and exploitation of modern technologies in the process of their production. Paweł Jarczewski, one of the panelists, summed up his speech with the words, ‘Recently I have been appointed the Chairman of IFA’s Technical & SHE Committee. That speaks for itself about how great confidence Europe has in Poland in the area of production of fertilizers’.  

During the thematic session entitled ‘The World Market of Chemicals’ Marek Kapłucha, Vice-President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty said, “Chemistry is a branch with an enormous potential for continuous development. Our results, and thus Poland’s results, show that we develop faster than other countries.”

All the speeches and presentations confirmed the high level of Polish chemical industry against the background of European Union countries.

Furthermore, on this day a special session took place. It involved Polish representatives in ski jumping sponsored by Grupa Azoty. Piotr Żyła, Kamil Stoch together with coaches Apoloniusz Tajner and Łukasz Kruczek told participants about the usage and importance of Polish chemical products in sport.

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