Grupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty
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Grupa Azoty Group Integrated Report 2020
Grupa Azoty Group Integrated Report 2020

Grupa Azoty Group Integrated Report 2020 is now available online. The report presents key financial and non-financial information on the Group’s activities.

‘The twelve months of 2020 were full of new challenges, mainly related to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, we continued to face all the previous challenges related to fostering a change in environmental attitudes and the broad climate and energy transition. At the Grupa Azoty Group, we fully understand that changes promoting climate protection require involvement of the business community. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, implementation of decarbonisation solutions as well as all issues related to the European Green Deal in general require fast and prudent action. Equally important for doing business and communicating with stakeholders is the need to prepare for the new taxonomy requirements. We are facing a difficult but important period of transition and continued value creation in line with the principles of sustainability. We are ready for these changes because we understand that by lowering our emissions we improve our competitive edge and gain new business opportunities,’ says Tomasz Hinc, President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A.

The report covers topics related to environmental, social and governance performance of the Group while providing a comprehensive summary of its financial results. It aims to present progress against Grupa Azoty’s commitments, including key developments, major investment projects, implemented innovations, and more.

A great deal of attention is paid to climate issues. The Group reports having achieved in 2020 alone a year-on-year reduction of 10% in its energy generation fuel requirement, of 20% in emissions of nitrous oxide (GHG), of more than 17% in PM 2.5 emissions, and of 5% in waste volumes. The document contains a section showcasing the Group’s response to risks arising from climate change, including actions taken to further decarbonisation. These actions are highlighted in relevant sections devoted to a climate risk analysis (based on TCFD guidelines), transition towards a circular economy model, and adoption of sustainable production practices.

The Group underlines its commitment to protecting natural resources, which is put into effect through rational use of raw materials, launches of new catalysts designed to reduce air emissions of greenhouse gases, development of more efficient fertilizer formulas, etc.

The report contains an overview of the value creation model applied by Grupa Azoty. In line with the materiality approach, non-financial information is disclosed to the extent it is necessary to understand the Group’s development, performance and position.

The report was drafted based on an overview of activities supporting delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals and in compliance with recognised standards. In preparing the report, the Group relied on the latest guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards). Its content and layout are also based on relevant recommendations of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). In order to ensure the highest quality of the disclosures, the document was externally assured.

All information pertaining to the Grupa Azoty Group’s activities is presented in the form of a comprehensive website that is easy to navigate. The online version of the report allows users to quickly access information, and the option enabling readers to search for content using the GRI indicator index helps to easily locate particular sections of the report.

The report is available here:

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