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Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A. will have its own research and development centre (CBR II)
Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A. will have its own research and development centre (CBR II)
Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A. is set to build an R&D centre supporting innovation in the OXO and plastics conversion segments. The Grupa Azoty Group’s Kędzierzyn-based subsidiary has obtained all corporate approvals necessary to implement the strategic project.

Research and Development Centre II (CBR II) is a natural step towards expanding the company’s research infrastructure, enhancing staff competencies in developing innovative solutions and protecting intellectual property. The project is an extension of the Application and Development Research Laboratory (CBR I) launched in November 2018, which enables Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A. to reproduce manufacturing processes in the laboratory and to test samples received.

Research and Development Centre II will make Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A. more independent in R&D&I. “OXO is one of Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A.’s core business lines and our speciality that distinguishes us both within the Group and in the home market. Owning a research and development centre, we will be able to conduct most of the specialist research related to the OXO segment in-house, which is economically justified. We will be able to better harness the potential of our research staff and create new jobs,” said Artur Kamiński, Vice President of the Grupa Azoty ZAK Management Board, Investments.

The project to establish the Research and Development Centre is part of the Group’s updated Strategy. It will help to expand the company’s product mix by adding new speciality esters and will extend the product chain and conversion of aldehydes into speciality products. “In response to market needs, we add new speciality products to our range, which are tailored to meet the specific requirements of individual customers. Speciality esters Adoflex® and Oxovilen® were included in Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A.’s offering in 2019. We hope that the new laboratory will allow us to develop new product brands to deepen our business relationships with existing OXO partners,” said Sławomir Lipkowski, President of the Grupa Azoty ZAK Management Board.

The Research and Development Centre has obtained EU funding under the Smart Growth Operational Programme. Initially, the project provided for the construction of a glass-roofed spacious building to accommodate laboratory rooms and a separate conference hall. The project assumptions were subsequently revised and the building was redesigned with a focus placed on usefulness and laboratory operations. The revised concept envisages construction of a new facility and furnishing it with specialist instrumentation.

A next step for Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A. will be to call a tender procedure and sign a contract with the selected contractor. The project is scheduled for completion in 2021. Next to the New Concept energy project with a budget of almost PLN 300m, Research and Development Centre II is another project implemented at the Kędzierzyn-based company to drive innovation.

For more information contact:
Waldemar Grzegorczyk
Grupa Azoty Group Press Officer

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