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Police port’s project receives EU funding
Police port’s project receives EU funding

The group of projects selected for funding by the European Union includes one submitted by the Police port, which is part of the Grupa Azoty Group. The project ‘Strengthening of the comprehensive network by increasing the accessibility and efficiency of the port in Police’ includes the construction of a railway node with the necessary technical infrastructure as part of the construction of railway line No. 437 to the Police seaport. The planned work will improve the port’s accessibility from the shore and sea and will increase its handling capacity. The development of the port will increase the potential of the Grupa Azoty Group, including its largest investment project Polimery Police.

The project was selected for funding under Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) in the 2021–2027 financial framework. Its total cost is EUR 3,477,582, and the EU funding is nearly EUR 1.74 million.

Based on the assumptions, studies will be carried out for two projects, i.e. the construction of a railway node for the Police port with the necessary technical infrastructure as part of the construction of railway line No. 437 to the Police port and a feasibility study, and the development of project documentation for improving shore-side access to the terminal, as well as the construction of wharves in Police – the heavy cargo (universal) wharf together with a feasibility study.

“It is worth emphasizing that it is the first time that the seaport in Police has received a guarantee of external funding for a project that contributes to its statutory purposes and, indirectly, to the development of the entire Grupa Azoty Group. This is a great success, and all the more so as it was the only port to receive funding under this edition of the programme,” says Tomasz Hinc, President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A.

Implementation of the project will pave the way to proceeding with work on the development of a connection between the Police seaport and railway line No. 437, currently under construction, as well as creation of new railway sidings within the area of the port. It will also be possible to extend the heavy cargo universal wharf with a planned length of 300 meters, as a result of which the total length of the port's heavy-lift wharf will increase to 715 meters.

The projects will also improve accessibility of the port from the shore and sea and will increase its efficiency. In addition, obtaining CEF funding for the study phase may facilitate the process of applying for project execution funding in the future, if such application is made, as approval of the project scope by the European Commission's bodies can be treated as confirmation of its viability and importance to the TEN-T comprehensive network.

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