Grupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty
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The company received assistance under the government programme "Aid for energy-intensive sectors related to the sudden increase in natural gas and electricity prices in 2022”

On March 10t 2023, the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A. was notified that the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management had granted the Company’s application for financial assistance under a governmental scheme to support energy-intensive industries in response to sudden increases in gas and electricity prices. The amount of aid awarded to Grupa Azoty S.A. alone is PLN 52.3m, while the total amount of support granted to the Grupa Azoty Group companies, i.e. Grupa Azoty S.A., Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe Puławy S.A., Grupa Azoty Zakłady Chemiczne Police S.A., Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe Kędzierzyn S.A. and Grupa Azoty Kopalnie i Zakłady Chemiczne Siarki Siarkopol S.A., is PLN 234.2m.

Grupa Azoty Police and West Pomeranian University of Technology launch Hydrogen Academy in Szczecin as part of the West Pomeranian Hydrogen Valley

Grupa Azoty Police and West Pomeranian University of Technology (ZUT) have concluded an agreement to create and operate the Hydrogen Academy. Launched within the West Pomeranian Hydrogen Valley established in November 2022, the academy is now officially in operation. Applications for the inaugural edition of the programme opened on March 7th.

Participants selected for Grupa Azoty’s 6th Ambassador Programme

The largest companies making up the Grupa Azoty Group have selected a total of six Ambassadors to represent the brand within the academic community in the newest edition of the Grupa Azoty Brand Ambassador Programme. The main theme this year is ‘Grupa Azoty as the employer of choice’.

Grupa Azoty launches R&D Centre at Grupa Azoty Fosfory of Gdańsk

The Grupa Azoty Group continues to implement green projects within its Agro segment. To this end, it has opened an R&D Centre for Biofertilizers at its Gdańsk-based plant Grupa Azoty Fosfory.

Grupa Azoty Group to release estimates of its consolidated production output on a regular basis

On February 22nd 2023, the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A. made a decision to commence regular publication of estimates of the Group’s consolidated production output on a monthly basis. The Company wishes to emphasise that its production output is adjusted in line with changes in demand on the European market. The reporting of estimated output figures is intended to enhance the transparency of the Company information disclosure policy, whose purpose is to ensure that investors are provided with access to information which is relevant to assessing the condition of Grupa Azoty S.A. and its Group.

Construction of Grupa Azoty’s new plant approaching finish line. Polimery Police, one of the largest chemical projects in Europe, exceeds 99% completion.

At the end of January, the overall stage of completion of Grupa Azoty Group’s flagship project in Police exceeded 99.01% and entered its final phase. The project is of strategic importance to the national economy and will boost growth of Poland’s plastics segment. The complex will be the largest propylene and polypropylene plant in Central and Eastern Europe.

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